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My Body Does What?! 101: What You Should Have Learned in Sex Ed, But Didn’t (GROK NATION)
As an adult, I’ve been working with a women’s wellness organization for nearly two years, and I’ve had more doctors examine my lady bits...
Abnormal is normal: We’re all broken and that’s fine (GROK NATION)
We are all human. Just adorable, vulnerable little sacks of flesh, bones, and emotion, running around the world, bumping into each other,...
Published on XO Jane: Getting Hearing Aids at 27
Originally published on XO Jane. After an adverse reaction to medication left me with Tinnitus (a constant ringing in your ears, it’s...
On Medium: Too Much Tongue
I was almost fifteen, and my parents decided to take my sister and I on a cruise. Now, at fourteen-and-a-half I still had braces, I still...
Featured on Medium: Breaking Wind and Pride
So I farted in yoga. I did it, it happened. Anyone who has ever done yoga has feared this moment. I’d even bet that anyone who’s even...
A Guido Made Me Pancakes
Banana Pancakes with protein powder. He made them while in silk boxers, his hair still firmly gelled from the night before. He played...
Huffington Post: On Depression
There are all these articles coming out: “How to Deal with a Depressed Spouse.” “What Depression Feels Like.” “What Not To Say To Someone...
Published on The Dodo: Service Cat
I was 18, broke, and about to move into a new apartment in LA, that didn’t allow animals. So, I had to find a way to get my fat, neurotic...
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